Daydreams and Nightmares

I wrote this book over the span of about two years. I doubt that anyone sits down and writes a full book of poetry all at once (even though books of poetry tend to be shorter than other books). It is divided into four sections entitled “Messages”, “Introspection”, “Say What?” and “Sweeter Dreams”. “Messages” deals with the current condition of humanity and pessimism as well as hopes for the future. “Introspection” delves into similar issues but also many issues involving internal musing about human foibles, sometimes in the first person. “Say What?” deals with musings on various matters that might cause one to say “say what?” “Sweeter Dreams” is about just what it says and is also occasionally in the first person..

These poems often rhyme. They are not entirely consistent with the technique of modern poetry. They are, however, deeply into the problems of the world and its humans. Despite near despair at times, it is hopeful and, I hope, sometimes playful. There are also four poems with various variations on the title “Poesy”. These deal with poetry itself as an art or discipline which I hope folks will think about because, new as I am to poetry, I am hopeful about it going forward and I hope the reader will be as well. If you are curious about poetry, but think of Shakespeare or Shelley, try this book as a horse of a different color.